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Happy World Tourism Day 2019 To Everyone

If you are a traveler like me, the chances are you already recognize this day. If you don't know about it, no problem, after reading this blog post, you will. World Tourism Day 2019 is on 27th of September 2019, and I am writing this article the same day. World Tourism Day was started by UNO, and it has been officially celebrated since 1980 on 27th of September every year.

The idea behind celebrating the day is to derive people towards tourism, various cultures each country has, generate employment and most of all bring prosperity. I take this opportunity to wish everyone happy world tourism day!

happy world tourism day 2019 image card

World Tourism Day 2019

The world Tourism day 2019 is more of focused towards Skills, Education and jobs. And, I believe this is a great initiative from UNO. Making people aware about learning skills and education for the right jobs is really a commendable thing. 

I as a frequent traveler always try to request parents to send their children to school, make them learn skills that are futuristic. If you also see an opportunity where you can make a difference, please don't hesitate. Together we can make a great contribution towards the society.

The best thing is, in 2018, the amount of travelers visiting under developed and developing countries has grown a lot. Last year alone, over 1400 million travelers traveled abroad.

Top 10 countries travelers visited the most in 2018:

  • France - Over 89.4 million travelers came to the country from all over the world
  • Spain - This country saw over 88.2 million travelers
  • United States of America - This amazing country witnessed over 79.6 million foreigners
  • China - The country biggest in terms of population welcomed over 62.9 million foreign nationals
  • Italy - This European country was visited by over 62.1 million people from the globe in 2018
  • Mexico - A beautiful country that had more than 39 million people past year
  • United Kingdom - This is my dream to visit UK once, last year only 37.7 million people arrived there
  • Turkey - Received Over 37.6 million visitors from the globe
  • Germany - Another country on my wishlist, had over 37.5 million foreigners
  • Thailand - An affordable and the best travel destination for beach lovers welcomed over 35.4 million people 
Countries like Turkey and Vietnam received more foreigners last years and witnessed 21.7% and 19.9% growth respectively. 
India, another country that travelers love to go to saw a 12% of growth last year. The country welcomed over 10.56 million foreigners in 2018.

Contribute towards the GDP of a country

Travelers contribute big time towards the GDP growth of a country. For the above top 10 countries, the major numbers that drove their GDP came through tourism industry. And, if you take a closer look, almost all the countries in top 10 are developed countries. 

Now imagine, if those many people had visited developing or under developed countries, how big of a change it would have made. I am not saying don't go to developed countries, all I am doing is giving an example about the power of travel community.

Anyways, my plan is to visit Russia soon as the country is offering free E-visa to people of select nations. This would be my first ever foreign visit! Let me know in comments section about your first visit to a foreign land, it will be interesting to know

I will end this post once again by saying Happy World Tourism Day To everyone!

Happy World Tourism Day 2019 To Everyone Happy World Tourism Day 2019 To Everyone Reviewed by Pankaj Sharma on 9/26/2019 Rating: 5

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